Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Another thing that I loved about the Zombie Walk is that lots of Zombies were willing to pose for the picture.  Even with all the cameras around, they would stop and strike a pose to get their picture taken.  Where else can you run around in a crowd and get strangers to pose for a photograph?  Zombie Walk!  Now some were really into the zombie routine and would just keep trucking along in search of brains, which was cool too.

Now some places were much easier to get poses, like along the back stretch of the route around Dundas and Bathurst or even in China Town.  The crowd had thinned out quite a bit by then, and there wasn't a throng of photographers as there was along Queen St.    If I were to do this again (and I probably will) I would consider starting the walk in the park, but then heading out away from the mob, and getting ahead of it.  It was too hard to shoot while walking along and plus I kept seeing the same Zombies.   That was until I broke off and got in front of the walk (not completely, but a good portion of it) and walked against the zombie flow.  I got too see a lot more zombies that way and the scenery changed, so as you'll see, there's a good variety in the backgrounds.

I started the day shooting with a long zoom lens in the park, but soon switched to my nifty fifty while in the crowd.  I had crossed to the South side of Queen St at one point to get away from the crowd, so I could do the lens change.  An older gentleman came up to me and started asking me what was going on.  I told him it was the Zombie Walk.  He inquired about what message was?  I didn't know what to tell him.  It's not political it's just fun!  He had a hard time understanding, until I pointed out that Halloween was a week away and it was a fun event.

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