Sunday, October 23, 2011

Horde Unleashed

The dead have risen and declared it ZOMBIE WEEK at

I'll be bringing you my favorite shots from the Toronto Zombie Walk.  This will all culminate with a mass zombie horde post at the end of the week.

The walk took place on Saturday in Toronto kicking off at Trinity Bellwoods Park and heading into China Town.  I was amazed at the number of people that came out.  There had to be at least 2500 people there. I went down with my friend "Wing King".  He became a zombie for the occasion.  I chose not to zombify, but rather go as myself and just move unencumbered through the horde taking pictures.  Although next year, I think I might just leave my camera at home and join the horde.  It was blast and the day was perfect for the walk, dark and dreary!  There was a huge variety in costumes, from the super simple to elaborate group theme costumes.  It was amazing.

So stay tuned this week for some zombies, guts and gore!

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